DOI: is always a solution for problems of the nation and state life. From the era of independence day until today, pesantren has become the frontline in responding to challenges and changing times. The rise of hoaxes makes people restless because their presence makes people feel scared, fragmented, and mutual hatred between each other. Pesantren is a place to learn religious sciences, and have a duty and responsibility to straighten and tackle the news hoax, especially the news hoaxes on behalf of Pesantren, or Kiai. This study examines the boarding school strategies for combating a hoax. This research is field research using a descriptive qualitative approach. Darul Ulum boarding Banyuanyar undertakes two strategies to combat the scams. The first emphasizes the use of social media, and the second is counter-narrative through sentries writing, which can then be distributed on social media. Furthermore, the steps taken to overcome the hoaxes are by holding workshops on the term hoaxes attack and establishing Banyuanyar Media Tim (BM TIM) as the solutions to overcome the hoaxes.
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Sumber Internet
@banyuanyar dipublikasikan pada 9 Maret 2019 dan sukai 307, 1 komen-tar.Diakses pada 24 Agustus 2019.
Postingan hadist di Instagram @banyuanyar pada tanggal 22 Sep-tember 2018 dan 94 menyukai diakses pada tanggal 30 Agustus 2019
Softwar al-Qu’ran In Word diakses pada 29 Agustus 2019., diakses pada 24 Agustus 2019.
Sumber Wawancara
Wawancara dengan Ustadz. Masturil Kirom, S.Pd.Ipada hari Ahad 25 agustus 2019
Wawancara dengan Faisal Amir, Wakil Sekretari PP Darul Ulum Banyuanyar apda hari Rabu, 21 Agustus 2019
Wawancaran dengan Ustadz. Subriadi, S.Pd.I. pada hari sabtu 10 Agustus 2019.
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